Thursday, June 12, 2008

Photoshop Lecture 6


Coherence Principle
Students learn better when extraneous material is excluded rather than included.
1. Student learning is hindered when interesting but irrelelvant words and pictures are added to a multimedia presentation.
  • Irrelevant material may direct the learner away from relevant material.
  • Irrelevant material may disrupt the learner's building of cause-and-effect chains.
  • The learner may assume the theme comes from the seductive details.

2. Student learning is hindered when interesting but irrelelvant sounds and music are added to a multimedia presentation.
  • There is limited capacity in auditory and visual channels.
  • Processing capacity is limited.
  • Irrelevant sounds and music will result in poor retention and transfer.

3. Student learning is improved when unneeded words are eliminated from a multimedia presentation.

  • helps students to quickly process information
  • facilitates the process for retaining information
  • Use key words in the captions.
  • Present information in order
  • Present information near corresponding illustrations.


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